Play notes - as in RULES:

This is the part most people skim over or figure they can skate through. Neither are suggested. The biggest troubles in most games occur because the rules are not laid out, and even if they are it's usually a set of vague guidelines that create a bunch of 'Admin' posts and eventually leads to 'some people' having to follow the stated rules and a 'different set' of rules for others. This will NOT happen here, PERIOD.

Naturally, these rules are intended as a complementary set of guidelines to the existing series of rules in the IMC, and the IMC Terms of Service. If it's not covered in the IMC, though, it's probably covered here. If it is covered in the IMC rules, it's definitely covered here. In the unlikely event that a rule here conflicts with the rules of IMC, then the IMC rules will take precedent. These rules - specifically those regarding conduct - are mostly what one considers Common Sense or Common Courtesy, but some have the strange idea that if something is not expressly forbidden that it is therefore permissible. So here we are.

That said, please do not feel that the staff plans to be in total control of every tiny detail. This is not the case. The Game itself will be run in a 'tabletop' fashion; which is to say the storytellers (STs) will present scenarios that the Players will deal with/react to through roleplay. One should not view this in an adversarial fashion because it is not an Us vs. Them type situation between the Players and the Staff, despite it being so with the various Characters. The theme of the game does imply some urgency/difficulty to the Characters, but there is still plenty of room for any Character Development the Players' may introduce.

These parameters are not meant to determine/dictate character/story development, only to keep it from being skewed/ruined/unbalanced by anyone for whatever reason they might choose to do such. As a note, the characters deemed 'unplayable' will still be in motion, and their actions will occur as needed in order to move the story along. Further, there will be Periphery Characters here and there (introduced by the STs) in order to create/forward plots/subplots. Also note that some of these plots/subplots will very possibly veer into dark, mature, scary, or similarly disturbing subject matter. If anyone has any reservations about playing in a Not Very Nice setting, or seeing Creepy Scumbag Characters at work, then this simply isn't the Game for them.

If by chance one of the Characters (Player or Periphery) does something a Player finds repellent or triggers a bad memory, the Official Position of the Host is: Them's the breaks. This is a mature-rated room. The staff really doesn't want to hear any long tirades about how "as a victim of (insert trauma here) they're appalled that it occurred in the Game", or any similar railing against the Offense du Jour (homosexuality, paganism, etc.). The Game is intended to be set in the Modern Day as realistically as possible, and as much as it may pain any/all of us to admit this, People That Society Doesn't Approve freely walking the street is a part of that. Therefore, Things Society Might Not Approve may occur in the Game. If anyone has any reservations about that possibility, then this isn't the Game for them.

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