The following shall be considered 'poor conduct' by Players, and we strongly suggest you refrain from any/all of them. If it is the opinion of the staff that a player is in violation, they shall give a notice of the infringement to the player, and require that they remedy and refrain from these infringements, else they face sterner repercussions. Habitual offenders (those that require two or more such notices from the staff per session) will be considered dysfunctional, and dealt with accordingly.

  1. Flames - Few things irritate players moreso than someone that derogates other players either directly, or 'on the sly' through their play. If we see it, the perpetrator will be called on it and asked to explain/apologize/leave usually in that order. It's okay to react with some modicum of 'heat' in the game as the character would, but if we think it's getting out of hand we will step in.

    If one feels they are on the receiving end of such treatment, 'firing back' is not the acceptable response. The Coordinators are here to sort out any snags in the game, and we're not big on vigilante-types. We know the normal response is to 'hit back', but we ask that folks exercise restraint in order to avoid getting into their own soup. So we're clear: "They started it" will not be an acceptable explanation for engaging in flame.

    The same goes double for 'rallying to the rescue' of someone else. If a Player thinks Person A is crapping on Person B, and are also of the opinion that Person B 'doesn't have the backbone to defend themselves' they should simply send a note to the Coordinators. We shall examine the complaint to determine if it has merit and proceed accordingly, including notifying the plaintiff as to whether the complaint will continue forward.

    The Staff won't name names when addressing other Players, besides ourselves; ie: "We've noticed that you were a bit over the top when you slammed so and so's idea, and it seems to be a little more than something 'in the game'. Please explain yourself."

    For those that demand to 'know their accuser' and similar posturing bluster meant to bully people into letting them get their way, that occurs when the Coordinator addresses them - because the Coordinator is the accuser. If one feels they're being 'picked on' by the Coordinators, it is suggested they examine their style and try to be a little less antagonistic within their character posts. Good writers can adapt to the parameters of an existing story milieu, and good roleplayers can operate just fine within the rules and with respect/civility to the other players. If one wants to be totally in control of everything that happens in the story, we suggest they write a fanfic. Elsewhere.

    If one can't play nice with the other participants, we feel it's a limitation they've set on themselves. Therefore, one shouldn't expect others to just 'deal with it' because, frankly, they shouldn't have to. Respect is a two-way street and if anyone thinks it's only supposed to be one-way, then they will find that one-way leads straight out the door.

  2. Spoilers - If a Player has recently seen a movie, read a book, or anything similar - they are to not tell us all about it either in the room or on the forum. Giving away details of anything currently available that is younger than 5 years is not allowed. Players may state whether something is good or bad, in their opinion, but cannot elaborate. If someone asks for more detailed information, please use PMs.

  3. Arguments - Staff must make rulings/decisions based on what's best for all the Players and the Game. Sometimes they will require changes to be made with a C or a post. Staff does not require such changes because they want to engage in lively debate with the Players - they want the changes to be made. Make them.

    If after making these changes, a Player believes the STs botched the call or similar, addressing/appealing a decision is to be done with the Staff in e-mail/PMs, noting that nobody's perfect. If a Player requests this arbitration PRIOR to making the required changes, Staff will see this as blatant disrespect towards the rulings of the STs, and deal with the Player accordingly. If the player can state their case producing counterpoints to the decision that are valid, we will take them under consideration and make a final ruling. Final rulings are exactly that.

    If it still doesn't go the way the plaintiff feels it should? FIDO. (Forget it. Drive on.) Players may NOT splash the room or forum or any other room or forum with slams and flames about 'unfairness', 'cliques' and similar, because the Staff will not tolerate such behavior, PERIOD. We further take a dim view of one trying to similarly slash at the other characters either OOC or through a character in response to 'things not going their way'.

  4. Ploys for Attention (PFAs) - Posting non-game related or similarly inappropriate items to the game/message board is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to artwork, fanfic, webcomics, advertisement for other games/lists, blogs, flash movies, offlinks to any of these, and all similar spam for the purpose of garnering praise (Attention Whoring) or inciting flames (Trolling) from the other members; and should all be avoided. Moreover, the happenings in one's personal life are their personal business. Their politics, religion, medical health, pets, love life and anything else about them not relating to the game is their own business, and they should kindly keep it to themselves.

    However, if a Player has a 'signature' they normally use which happens to link to a personal website, that is permissible. We only mind when one actively promotes themselves or their works. That is not to say that Players should avoid sharing their gifts with the other members, because it isn't. If someone happens to be able to make icons, draw, or any other useful talent and chooses to make themselves available to the Membership for requests pertaining to the game (commonly 'If anyone wants me to draw a picture of their Character, please let me know.' and whatnot.) then that particular item is permissible to post.

    Further, one should refrain from using inappropriate pictures for their avatars either in the room or on their statsheets. Pictures should not be larger than 50K filesize, no wider than 350 pixels and no longer than 400 pixels. They should, as noted in the Application section, be free of inappropriate content. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in a 24 hour imageban for the first occasion, 48 hour imageban the second, and a 72 hour room ban the third. If we get to a fourth occasion, then there will be a complete ban of the perpetrating player.

  5. Stalking - Regarding the Ventriloquism section of Gameplay, wherein we encourage the players to collaborate and communicate regarding stories/roleplays: Yes, we do encourage communication. However, we do hope that one shows a certain amount of restraint in communicating with the other Players. If, for example, a Player declines to participate with another Player on a plot; it's not cool for the rejected player to immediately offer another plot or similarly try to 'convince' them to play. Perhaps the Player did not care for the idea, or perhaps the Player does not care for them. One should have sense enough to know that making a pest of themselves isn't going to make anyone else any more likely to play/collaborate with them either presently or in future.

    So that we're perfectly clear: Do Not Stalk or Similarly Harass Other Players. EVER. If one cannot find another Player willing to collaborate/roleplay with them, there are always STs who would (usually) be willing to help through Periphery Characters. The Staff will not approach our members online to 'shoot the breeze' or otherwise 'pal around', but will make contact if someone's previously asked to roleplay a scene with a Periphery Character or similarly requested help/game. If other Players contact each other in the spirit of camaraderie and nobody has any problems with it, that is fine. If someone complains to the Staff (after they've said so to the perpetrator, of course) that they are not fine with it, then the offending party will be asked to leave them alone. Once. If thereafter they persist, they will be ejected and their ISP notified.

  6. Donna Drama - Here's the thing, we expect people to treat each other with respect here. However, this respect is not to be expected to be of the same level afforded to royalty; and strange as it may sound, anyone that's not getting that level of obsequiousness does not constitute their getting disrespect. Nobody was put on the earth to join anyone's fan club.

    Players join this game to play the game; not to coddle anyone's fragile ego/psyche, shower them with praises, be their therapist or similarly serve as anyone's personal cheering section and/or anything else of the sort - and if they don't do so when someone thinks they should, that's simply not something everyone else should work on. If any Player feels the need to have everyone they know pat them on the back for getting out of bed this morning, we suggest that they start a blog. Somewhere else.

    Excessive complaints made by a Player of the 'so-and-so was mean to me' nature will not get the staff to remove everyone that they don't like, or that they feel doesn't like them. It will get them removed. Filing false or frivolous complaints of this nature or similarly 'trumping up charges' against another Player is prohibited. Yes, this is a game - but it's not a playground. So that it's perfectly clear: Nobody on staff is assigned the task of keeping any single Player happy über alles. Nobody is expected to unreasonably censor themselves because someone wants to turn the game into Dr. Phil's House of Dysfunction. Accept it. Get used to it. Or leave.

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