• Content Tags (Naughty Bits):

    As previously stated, this game will very likely contain subject matter significantly less than puritan in nature. The world at war is a very frightening place, and the Characters are going to find themselves dealing with/doing things that would never have been approved by the Comics Code. For the benefit of those in the audience (aka: Lurkers) that would prefer not to see this sort of thing, this constitutes fair warning. The flags described below are to be used as appropriate for IC forum posts and the like. Failure to use the Content Tags in an IC Forum/Chronicle post will net a 24 hour room ban the first time, a 48 hour room ban the second time, and a complete ban if we get to the third instance. These tags are not necessary during play, only for forum postings of play.

    1. Intense Situations: This can be anything from putting someone in terrible danger to there being sexual tension, roiling hate, or whatever escalations between characters in the story one might put together. When a post is considered 'emotionally agitating', we require a flag denoting Adult Situations (AS).

    2. Swearing/Cursing: While the Staff is generally not 'bothered' by coarse language, they recognize other folks are. Therefore, we ask that when in play Cs either keep cursing to as minimum as possible (no more than three a post), or 'substitute' either symbols (*&!@) or 'near enoughs' (mofo, fudge, witch, shyte, cocker spaniel, futz, etc.). We also require that posts include a tag denoting Adult Language (AL) if it does.

    3. Violence: These things happen. If a C gets into a scramble with another character as part of a story arc both Players have worked out, fine. If a Player just out and out takes a poke at or stomps on someone else's C in their post, then we (as in THEY) have a problem - especially when the C on the receiving end of these matters is not aware of these 'interesting' plans in advance of their implementation. If one intends to mix it up with a C that isn't currently being played by a Player, then the encounter must be presented and approved according to CD. Any Violence included in a post must be flagged (V) as containing such.

    4. Nookie: We're not going to tell anyone that their Character can't hop in the sack with whomever, but require that they not to be intensely graphic in the description of these pursuits. Posts with Sexual Content must have a tag (SC) denoting same. Strong Sexual Content - such as complete play by play from start to ciggies - will get us in some soup, so is not allowed. Characters can say 'so-and-so made them feel like a woman is supposed to feel', just not how so-and-so did it PRECISELY.

  • The LLEIC:

    If there is a plot or characterization a Player may want to do, then The LLEIC (aka - The Five Letter Gate) shall be the rule of thumb. If a post is not at least 3 of the following four 'gates', it's just not going to pass muster.

    1. Legal - Is this post within the stated rules? This one is very important. Although we will be the first to admit that the Rules probably don't cover every possible scenario, they do cover a sizable bunch. If there is no rule prohibiting what a Player plans to post, then the full post needs to comply with the rest of the rules in every way.

    2. Logical - Does this post make sense, based on the Motivation of the Character and the Overall Theme of the Game? All Characters have a personality, and so every action must be reasonably within the parameters of this personality. For this reason, any Original Character must have a detailed description of their personality in their Bio. As an example, Major Talbot and Bruce Banner hate each other in canon, so neither of them will be very likely to go out of their ways to lend the other much help. However, since the overall theme of the game all but demands they depend upon each other, they could logically - if reluctantly - set aside their differences for their mutual benefit. Conversely, Gambit is a thief, yet has a strong bond with his fellow mutants; so his attempting to swindle them is fairly illogical - and contrary to the overall theme of the Game.

    3. Explainable - Can one reasonably elucidate the reasons for, or justify the direction this post takes for this Character? We will ask. No, "Because I want to." is not a sufficient explanation - especially for sudden changes in one's Character. Do be prepared to answer questions such as, "Where do you plan to take this?" and "What do you feel the ramifications of this plotline could be?". Players will have a much better chance of success if they put some forethought into their ideas (and are thus able to answer questions on them) than they do if it's motivated by sheer whimsy.

    4. In Character - Is this post In Character for the Character in Question at the time of the posting? The key phrase here is 'at the time'. Changes in character motivation and similar development is not specifically disallowed - provided it is gradual. For instance, turning Quicksilver against his sister is allowable despite Pietro's canon 'unswerving loyalty', provided this loyalty is gradually eroded over some time. 'Some time' denotes a good amount of posts leading to this result. 'One' is not a good amount.

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